"We don't talk politics in our house."
Yep, those were the words of his wife spoken to us all -- his climbing buddies who were there at their residence visiting that day.
Several of his climbing buddies came over to chat, and to watch a few of the latest climbing action videos, just for an hour or two, while sucking down our favorite long-neck bottled ice cold beers.
Hmmm? I thought to myself. So, where does my climbing buddy and his wife (or even their neighbors) go to chat about worldviews and politics?
Outside on the paved side street in front of your property in that cute little quiet residential neighborhood of yours where everyone can stand on the pavement looking across at each other, griping, barking, or hollering at each other from fifteen feet away about politics. Out there maybe?
Or, you'll set up lawn chairs in your grassy front yard, array the chairs in two or three large arcs, all in a loop, where each group can team up, and start tossing political verbalisms over at the other team in debate, constructs, assumptions, or ideals. Perhaps maybe that's how you do it?
Or in your large grassy well-mowed backyard you will set up a badminton net, give everyone a large flyswatter (the racket!), and let everyone swat the political objective back and forth over the mesh net till one side 'wins' one discussion and the other side 'loses'. Then the next political topic starts and everyone starts madly swinging again at the flying political object.
So, if this big country that you reside in (a country that has a tangled mess of odd legislated rules) appears to be caving in on itself, or comes crashing down while your doing your dishes, or is imminently destined to, or your dollar instantly becomes worthless -- you still refuse to talk about politics and worldviews effecting your lives, willingly letting it all just crash and burn down around you, but still no discussion on where the system may have gotten a wee bit off track.
And that's my climbing buddy for ya . . . we could talk all of the "climbing jingo lingo nonsense" we want to at his house, because in the long run that kind of sports debate has no real effect arcing over the culture you live in . . . but there's to be no discussion on worldview* politics in her house -- by jingle....
* A worldview is a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, false, or somewhere in-between) which a person believes about the makeup of existence and/or universe.