Sunday, October 16, 2022

Max vs Buster

No matter where your at, whether it's out rock climbing at the local crag for the day, or out day hiking, it just seems to repeatedly happen. 

One time it might occur during or just after a day hike. Another time it was a day when my friend was up on the sharp end of the climbing rope leading a 5.4 rock climbing route, and his dog begins to roam around the neighborhood near the base of the crag sniffing various artifacts and other peoples stuff in search of who-knows-what. Then . . . .

Dog #1 meets dog #2. After a sniff or two as each dog checks out the opponents backside, one or the other gets into a mental pickle, an invisible overreach has occurred, as one or the other lil mutt has simply gotten too close or looked at the other 4-legged creature with that sneaky sideways glance, then . . . an explosion of fur, barking and dust, and both dogs have erupted in a typical snarling politically motivated dog turf argument. Rufus vs Riley, Max vs Buster, Droolius Caesar vs Fido, Expo vs Sparky -- yep, you get the picture. That's life!